Michelin Men #PaddockRising

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-01-31
Weather: 37°, clear, and dry.

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Lansbury, Whitewall, Weird Science, Cherub

Dynamic Warm-up. Mosey around lot. Stretch.

Tha Thang
Round 1:
5 x 40 yard Tire Sprints
5 x 40 yard hop back sprints
2 x 40 yard Bear Crawls w/Tires
15 Manmakers w/Tires
20 Mountain Climbers (2=1)
25 American Hammers
30 Curls w/tires

Round 2:
2 x 40 yard Lunge Tire Pulls
2 x 40 yard Lunge Tire Pulls w/Twist
2 x 40 yard Lateral bear crawls w/Tire
15 Hand Release Merkins
20 Hand Stand Merkins
25 Flutter Kicks (2=1)
30 Hand-to-hand Tire Toss & Catch

Round 3:
10 x 40 yard Tire Sprints
30 Leg Raises w/Tire Overhead
20 Standing Rows w/Tire
1 Min Wall Sit w/Tire
1 Min Overhead Tire Press AMRAP

Thank you to White Wall for putting together tires 2.0. Great to see Weird Science on a school day. #PaddockRising

End in COT