Mid-Summer Poker Run

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-07-25
Weather: Low 70s and clear skies

Q: 49er
PAX: 9 – 49er, Mule, Yanni, Raquel, Sous Vide, Radio, Count Chocula, Muck, Axeman

Plank stretches
Grass grabbers x20 IC
Monkey bumpers x10 IC
SSHs x20 IC

Tha Thang
YHC has been missing a good poker game, so I decided it was time for another F3 Poker Run.

After warmup and name-a-rama, we split into teams of 3 HIMs, with the goal of finding two others who could run/walk at a similar pace. Next, we took off for a 2.4mi lap around the park. Teams stayed together, stopping every half-mile for a card and PT.

Each team drew a card and did the exercise for that card together.

–Hearts: Catalinas
–Spades: Merkins
–Diamonds: Mountain Climbers x2
–Clubs: Plank Jacks x2

–Card counts
–2-5 = 5 reps
–6-9 = 10 reps
–10-K = 15 reps
–A = 20 reps

After returning to the flag and drawing our fifth card, YHC gave the teams 2 chances to exchange cards.

Chances to exchange a card:
-1 lap around the parking lot together
-50 box cutters each

Final betting
-All teams did the box-cutters to exchange a card. The team of 49er/Mule/Raquel drew a 5❤️, giving us draws to both a straight and a flush, so we took the extra lap hoping to get lucky, but came up empty.

  • The betting started with all teams anteing 10 burpees.
    -Muck/Yanni/Axeman weren’t too proud of their hand and checked.
    -Sous Vide/Radio/Count Chocula were really proud of their hand and raised the bet to 30 burpees.
    -Having missed all of our draws, 49er/Raquel/Mule folded and Muck/Yanni/Axeman did the same.
    -Winners did half the pot (5 burpees) and revealed a pair of Jacks. The other two teams took the full 10 burpees.

End in COT