Opening Day 2023

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-03-30
Weather: 36 degrees – clear and nice

Q: Incognito
PAX: 14 – Axeman, Sous Vide, Phantom Menace, Ollie, Muck, Baby Driver, Steve-O, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Zebra, Incognito, Tigger, Topper (DR), Buddy (DR)

Nolan Ryan’s
Planks and a few other stretches
30 high knees for the 30 MLB teams there are
55 toe taps for the 55 years since the last time an opening day had all teams playing on the same day

Tha Thang
Mosey to the top to grab coupons
You’ve heard of 21 and 11 – today we did 9’s for the 9 innings of a baseball game
The two exercises were Manmakers and Catalina Wine MIxers

1 burpee for the one no-hitter thrown in 1940 by Bob Feller

Mosey to basketball court for some F3 Baseball
Divided up into four teams – each group of 3 then gathered on 1 of 4 bases
Each base was an exercise that the team had to do collectively
50 Merkins
50 Crab Cakes
50 Squats
50 SSHs
Whoever completed the most runs in 15 minutes won…nobody passed another team so it was a 4-way tie. Congratulations everybody!

Mosey to the flag
Who has the most career opening day home runs?
Frank Robinson, Ken Griffey, Jr., and Adam Dunn – all had 8 and all played for the Reds during their career
We did 8 burpees 3 times in honor of their achievement
Who has the most career opening day starts?
Tom Seaver with 16, he also played for the Reds during his career
We did 16 squats in honor of his achievement

End of the WO

The lesson from all this: the Reds WERE a great team, they are now ancient history just like these former players, the Big Red Machine was the greatest team of all time. In present times, the Phil Castellini Reds are the worst baseball team of all time. Castellini cries because he’s not making enough money. Don’t support him or his team, make sure his Reds go into the red so he sells them.

End in COT