Overnight in the Gorge

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2023-06-11
Weather: Saturday- sunshine & clear skies; Sunday- Kentucky rain keeps pouring down And up ahead’s another town that I’ll go walking through With the rain in my shoes (rain in my shoes) Searching for you In the cold Kentucky rain In the cold Kentucky rain

Q: Muck
PAX: 7 – Jello Shot, TLC, The Navigator, El Fed, Dub-K, Turnover, Muck

Met at 7:15am at Macedonia Christian Church on Winchester Road in Lexington. Consolidated to two cars. Drove to Slade, KY and learned it was a permit free weekend… so we used our savings on breakfast sandwiches. Off to Red River Gorge.

Drove through Nada Tunnel, then parked at Martin’s Fork parking lot. Entered the park at approximately 8:40am (ahead of schedule).

Tha Thang
Hiked to Gray’s Arch, then to Hanson’s Point, then to our camp site. Plenty of elevation changes and mumblechatter along the way.

Shared conversation, laughs and food at the campfire. Too much to summarize it all here, but we did learn:
– Air Force One is a much under-rated movie, but Maverick is better;
– Honey Nut Cheerios is the king of cereals;
– and there may be many better local pizzas, but if you only had one national chain, Little Caesars.

Dub-K Q’d early morning Broga, where we named our newest FNG… The Navigator!. Then we shared a Sunday morning devotional reading. Just as we were breaking camp, rain set in. It rained off and on most of the hike home. Steep terrain, up and down, all along the way.

Once back at the cars (wet and exhausted), we drove to Miguel’s Pizza, where Turnover enjoyed his first Miguel’s experience and Ale81. Then back to MCC church to pick up cars.

Great to have Turnover drive in from Franklin, TN to join us and welcome The Navigator!

End in COT