Probably Just Sweat

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-08-19
Weather: Crisp and refreshing

Q: Manny P
PAX: 5 – Manny P, Golden Shower, Popeye, Gwazi , Tonka

Michael Phelps
Thigh Stretches
Some OYO

Tha Thang
Little Dora in Teams- 75 Big Boy SUs while partner moseyed and did 5 SSH. Then 100 Airsquats.

1 Mosey lap around parking lot, 10 Mericans, 2 mosey laps, 20 Air squats, 1 lap, 15 OAC, 2 Laps, Monkey Squats. 3x

ARAM. Celebrations with 5 SSH, 10 Moroccan Nightclubs, 5 Mericans, 10 Moroccan Nightclubs. 20 minutes

Karokes, 10 jump lunges, karaoke, Arm Flutter Kicks. 3x

Stretch it out while we wish Manny P well with the Force!

End in COT