Ruck with some minor work and a rifle carry on the way

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-03-28
Weather: Mid-20’s; low humidity so it didn’t feel nearly that cold

Q: Incognito
PAX: 5 – Incognito, Zebra, Geppetto, Radio, WKRP (DR)

10 slow, deep squats
a few simple chest stretches

Tha Thang
Ruck to tennis courts
Did the following across the 8 tennis courts
Bear Crawl
Lung Walk
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk
Bear Crawl
Lunge Walk
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk

Ruck up the steps to the far end of the football field opposite the scoreboard
Lift rucks above head; rifle carry from there to the scoreboard

Ruck down the hill and then around the loop (north), once back at the football field we cut across to the flag
Did squats for about 80 seconds to finish

All partook in Coffeeteria after the Beatdown

End in COT