Saturday SRT

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-08-07

Q: Zebra
PAX: 6 – Fergie, Sparky, Animal Style, Wally World, Mule, Zebra

Hip stretches
Downward dog, upward dog
Michael Phelps IC
Copperhead Squats IC
Finkle Swings IC

Tha Thang
Thang 1: Good ole 11’s
Merkins on one end, 50-60 yard mosey, Big Boy Sit ups on the other end

Thang 2: SRT
Partnered up and completed 2 rounds of each rotation with sandbags
1. 5 GTS (Ground to shoulders) each shoulder, while partner moseyed and did AMRAP V-Ups
2. 10 Front Squats – Freddie Mercury AMRAP
3. 10 Overhead Press – Jump Squats AMRAP
4. Curls AMRAP while partner ran 2 rounds of parking space suicides

After completing each round we did one full rotation through all stations once more.

End in COT