Sprinting With the Brakes On!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-07-27
Weather: 78 and thick

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 7 – Sous Vide, Muck, Baby Driver, Axeman, 49er, Incognito, Showcase Showdown

Extensive dynamic warm-up

Tha Thang
Pulled a 100 lb. sled backwards for 60 feet. Upon completion perform 10 Mercans. This was done in a relay fashion. We did this for two good songs. Next, we drug a 100 lb. sled for 60 feet running a little quicker with 5 Mercans at the end. This lasted for two songs (great songs). Finally, pushed the prowler all out with 5 Mercans at the end of each trip. This lasted for four awesome songs!!!

End in COT