Tabata, Hills and More!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-07-10
Weather: Humid but nice

Q: Axeman
PAX: 6 – Muck, Possum, Stapler, Raquel, Radio, Axeman

Mosey to basketball courts for some dynamic warm-ups including jogging, Frankensteins, butt kickers and more

Tha Thang
PAX then moseyed to the football field and grabbed a coupon for three rounds of tabata. We did the following exercises for one minute followed by 15 seconds of rest. Three sets were performed.
Squats with or without coupon
Leg Raises
Lunges with or without coupon
Box Cutters
We then moved to the hill behind the bleachers for some partner work. While one partner stayed at the top doing work, the other moseyed down the hill for work. At the top we did:
Man Makers, Big Boys and Gas Pumpers
At the bottom of the hill we did:
No Surrenders x8, Catalinas x10 and burpees x8
With the time left we worked on some Dora. We got in 100 coupon rows and 200 LBCs before time to head back.
Good to have Stapler back out there!

End in COT