The Hills Are Alive With the Sounds of a Double Dora

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-03-25
Weather: Low 50s

Q: 49er
PAX: 4 – 49er, Possum, Sous Vide, Sushi

A short warm-up of Michael Phelps, forward and reverse arm circles, grass grabbers and a mosey to the coupons. We paired off along the way.

Tha Thang
Dora in the dark,
Middle of the night,
Grippin’ that weight,
And holdin’ it tight…

Dora #1 on the scoreboard hill. Work at the bottom.
100 merkins
200 squats
300 2-is-1 mountain climbers
2nd HIM runs to the top of the hill for 3 man-makers, runs back down, and switch.

Switched partners for Dora #2 on the football field. Work at the goal line.
100 chest presses
200 coupon curls
300 bent-over rows
2nd HIM runs to the next light pole (30-35 yards?) for 10 SSHs and returns to switch.

Not that anyone was counting, but the Respect men earned it today. They carried Sushi and YHC the whole way, and even picked up our last 25 rows on Dora #2. It takes one heck of a HIM to get ahead of Sous Vide and Possum.

End in COT