The house always wins

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-10-12
Weather: Pretty good – little bit of rain near the end

Q: Wally World
PAX: 13 – Wally World, Sous Vide, Oshag, Possum, Geppetto, Muck, Red Flanders, 49er, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Zebra, Santa’s Little Helper, Incognito

Various stretching
Listened to the song “I FEEL IT” by Jon Bellion & did a merican every time the words “I feel it” were heard

Tha Thang
Completed a deck of death:
Spades: chest press 2 is 1
Clubs: curls 2 is 1
Diamonds: bent over rows
Hearts: shoulder press
*all exercises done with either a coupon or ruck
Face cards: 5 cockroaches IC
Jokers: some form of running

End in COT