The Win

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-08-31
Weather: 60

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 5 – Bootlegger, Quick Match, Doc Holiday, Ground Rod, Manchild

Walk to track

Tha Thang
IPC Week 0 (The Win)
Completed for time

13 reps of each of the following exercises
(in cadence / 4 count):
1. Side-straddle hops
2. Imperial Walkers
3. Plank shoulder taps
4. Mountain climbers
5. Plank jacks

800m run

85 reps of each of the following exercises
(8 burpees in between sets):

  1. Hand release merkins
  2. Big boy sit-ups
  3. Goblet squats
  4. Dips
  5. Overhead press
  6. Four count flutter kicks
  7. KB swings

800m run

End in COT