There And Back

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-10-22
Weather: 47 degrees; cool, clear, and Dry

Q: Subject Matter
PAX: 15 – El Fed, Ollie, Subject Matter, Wally World, The Janitor, Sous Vide, Axeman, LeBron, Chewbacca, Radio, Incognito, Olaf, Buffet, Bam, Splitter

Michael Phelps, Toe Touch, Grass grabbers, side straddle hops, knee cradle, Arm stretches

Tha Thang
Basket Ball Court:
3 rounds: Side line shuffle around the
court, then the following sideline to
sideline and run back; Frakensteins,
Knee to chest, High Knees, Butt
Kickers, Lunges, Bear Crawl, then side
line shuffle around the court.

Tennis Courts: 10 each both ways at
each court side line returning home
each time. In total 80 Calf raises, 110
lunges, 90 Bobby Hurleys, 70 side
straddle hops, 50 box cutters, 30 plank
jacks, and 10 merkins.

Basketball Court circle mystery card
selection of 5, 10, 15, 20, and either
squats, big boy sit-ups, burpees,
reverse lunges, or dead bugs

End in COT