Trying to be like Votto -shooting for 2000 (hits or reps)

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-21
Weather: Beautiful, sunny 71 degrees

Q: Radio
PAX: 6 – Muck, Sous Vide, Ollie, Incognito, Radio, Chewbacca

Grass Grabbers -10; Abe Vigodas-10; Imperial Walkers-11; Hillbillies-10; SSH-21’s (but messed up, so we repeated and did 14’s); then moseyed to the main road and took a left and another left to get to FB field while tossing a FB. We had two drops, so we did 20 dips when we arrived at the FB bleachers.

Tha Thang
100-walking lunges (50 forward, 50 backward)
100-agility jumps (either F/B or S to S)
95-mountain climbers (1 is 1)
Votto HR trot around half FB field
90-ice skaters
85-flutter kicks
80-shoulder taps (1 is 1)
Votto HR trot (same as above)
75-American Hammers (1 is 1)
70-coupon chest press
65-big boy sit-ups
Votto HR trot
60-coupon squats
55-gas pumpers
50-coupon curls
Votto HR trot
45-double leg raises
40-coupon swings (did 20, next exercise, other 20)
Votto HR trot
30-coupon rows (upright or bent over, your choice)
25-box cutters
Ran out of time so we moseyed back to base camp tossing FB.
Had one drop so we did one burpee (because Ollie loves burpees!)

While doing the Votto HR trots we had topics to discuss. We were planning to do 7 of those in honor of Votto hitting HR’s in 7 consecutive games and do over 2000 reps, but we ran out of time. Probably what every MLB player says…”I would have gotten 2000 hits too, but I ran out of time.” An incredible accomplishment and to think Pete Rose has doubled that total—both should be in the HOF. We had a FNG-Chewbacca and he did terrific work!

End in COT