We Can Go Up These Stairs, Too

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-08-10
Weather: Cool morning with a hint of rain.

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 8 – Lincoln Log, Oshag, Sous Vide, 49er, Zebra, Muck, Possum, Santa’s Little Helper

Brief dynamic stretches with Michael Phelpses and Frankensteins.
Grass Grabbers – 12 IC
Copperhead Squats – 10 IC – Slow count

Tha Thang
We put on our rucks and set out for the main road, around the tennis courts and up the steps to the football field. YHC directed PAX to grab coupons at their discretion, noting some grumblings about tired arms and sore biceps.

We moseyed with our extra weight down the two flights of steps to the lower tennis courts and dropped the coupons. YHC had a set of movements labeled 1-7 and directed the PAX to pick a number; then did said movements for that number.

We donned our respective rucks and coupons, then set out to climb back up the steps, across the top and back down to the lower tennis courts. Along the way, the PAX pointed out, helpfully, that we could have just gone up the steps we came down instead of walking across. So that’s what we did; we turned and went back up and to the upper courts for more work. Repeat the cycle, up and down for 4 sets of work before returning back to the field to dispatch the coupons.

We completed another round of work in the field. Then moseyed back for a final round of work at the AO.

Work included, but not limited to:
Ruck Merkins
Ruck Squats
Ruck Presses
Ruck Farmer’s Carry
Ruck Pull Throughs in Plank Position
Ruck Lunges
Ruck Swings
Sets of 10

1.91 Miles were covered.

End in COT