Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-02-05
Weather: 34° with wicked wind
Q: Lansbury
PAX: 4 – Weird Science, Sous Vide, Whitewall, Lansbury
SSH, Copperhead Squats, Mosey around lot, OYO leg and arm stretches.
Tha Thang
Tabata (35:30 – 96 intervals): 12 sets, 4 30-sec cycles, and 30 seconds rest between sets.
1. Skater hops w/Pavers
2. Am Hams w/Pavers
3. Paver chops with lunge position (switch legs halfway through each cycle)
4. Coupon Iron Cross
5. Pull-ups
6. Bob Hurley’s
7. Hanging Leg Raise
8. Coupon Goblet Squat
9. Coupon Chest Press
10. Bent over coupon row
11. Coupon curls
12. Coupon Squat Press
*Pavers = 10lbs
*Coupons = 38lbs
Glad to have Sous Vide make the trek to Paddock #PaddockRising
End in COT