This One’s Gonna Hurt Later

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-06
Weather: Upper 30s and overcast but calm

Q: 49er
PAX: 5 – 49er, Sous Vide, Oshag, Muck, Boo Boo

The morning Q comes courtesy of a little stroll through the F3 Louisville backblasts with a late-night playlist from Amazon Music. YHC was expecting cold rain and got an alert from WeatherBug to seek shelter due to lightning strikes but we had a pretty good, mild morning for early February.

We started in the lot with a round of stretching and warmups:
Plank / Downward dog
Pigeon Pulls
SSHs x25 IC

Serpentine mosey through the lot to get coupons. Stop at each crosswalk for 10 squats.

Tha Thang
Next, we circled up in the shelter with our coupons for the remainder of the WO, aided by a late-night pop/hip-hop playlist:

1.Manmakers x10 IC
2.Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes x25 IC
3.Squat Potato – 2 coupons for 1min each way
-Pax held a squat in an outward facing circle and passed 2 coupons for a minute in each direction.
4.Calf Raises with Coupon x35 IC
5.Cut a Flip w/ Wide Grip Merkin for 1 minute
-Pax alternated 5 BBS / 5 Merkins AMRAP
6.Elf on a Shelf x20 OYO each side
7.Cut a Flip w/ Diamond Merkins for 1 minute
8.Lion King x20 OYO each side
9.Pass the Potatoes – 2 coupons for 4 minutes, alternating direction every minute
-Pax sat in a circle with their backs to each other. We then passed the coupon in alternating directions. Think American Hammer + Squat Potato
10.Cut a Flip w/ standard Merkin for 1 minute
11.Manmakers x10 OYO
12.Squat potatoes w/ 2 coupons – 4 minutes, switching direction about every minute (“Give Me Everything” by Pitbull)

Having completed a real backbreaker and wondering if I had any Advil at home, we put the coupons away and moseyed back to the lot.

End in COT