You failed the test!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-03
Weather: NICE!

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 11 – Muck, Lincoln Log, Oshag, Showcase Showdown, Incognito, Axeman, Slick Willie, Sous Vide, Steve-O, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Tension toads
Michael Phelps
Side straddle hops
Plank/down dog/up dog?/sky pose

Tha Thang
Moseyed to coupons to do some Dora

100 coupon v ups
200 coupon curls
300 squats (we did not finish this one because we had more pressing things to do….)

Now that everyone was good and tired, we all participated in the Fitness Gram Pacer test. Everyone failed miserably.

We returned to the flag and went through a full round of Mary.

End in COT