Young guns

Location: The Fort
Date: 2021-07-26
Weather: 75 and very humid

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Dry Rub, Shooter, Coach K, Shank, Miracle Gro

Various dynamic stretches

Tha Thang
Got into groups of two. Group one did 200 hand release Mercans while the partner ran forty yards and did 6 tire flips. Group two did 300 squats while running down to do farmers carry with two 50 lb dumbbells. Group three did 300 med ball slams with 5 burpees at the end of the run and finally the last group did 300 SSH’s and drug the steel sled with 50 added pounds.
These young guys are in shape and pushed me to my limit. It was a fun but challenging workout. Thanks for having me guys!!!

End in COT