
Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-07-31
Weather: 68

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 5 – Bootlegger, Quick Match, Sour Mash, Johnny Utah, Beethoven

Walk to start

Tha Thang
Pax completed exercises at four stations using the format for 11s:
Station 1: man-makers
Station 2: big boys
Station 3: thrusters
Station 4: coupon swings

Station 1 (1 rep) run 100m uphill to Station 2
Station 2 (10 reps) run back to Station 1
Station 1 (1 rep) murder bunny 20m to Station 3
Station 3 (10 reps) murder bunny back to Station 1
Station 1 (1 rep) rifle carry 20m to Station 4
Station 4 (10 reps) rifle carry back to Station 1
Pax repeated with 2/9,2/9,2/9,2/9 and then 3/8,3/8,3/8,3/8 and continued until time expired.

End in COT