40 for 40; countdown to 41

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-10-23
Weather: Brisk

Q: Animal Style
PAX: 4 – Animal Style, Boo Boo, Fergie, Wally World

Michale Phelps; lil’ Jon, on ground pull leg in grab toe, leg over twist, hamstring stretch, fold leg over squat, rock squat, roll head/neck, step over gate, rotate hips, arm circles…

Tha Thang
In honor of my last day of 40; pax proceeded to do 40 exercises Tabata style for 40 seconds on each (20 sec rest between); with 1.5 minutes recovery every set of 10. Pax took turns naming the exercise of choice in rotation as we went through the cycles. Finished with 4 minutes of assorted planking.

Name o Rama and COT

End in COT