A workout so nice we did it twice

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-03-26
Weather: Kinda chilly

Q: Wally World
PAX: 10 – The Janitor, Wally World, Incognito, Axeman, Radio, Matlock, TStark, Lansbury, Muck, Raquel

Butterfly stretch
Hanging hamstring stretch
Runners lunge
Spine twist
Arm stretches

Tha Thang
Partner up – 1 coupon per group. Worked out at the hill behind the football field.

Round 1:
Partner at top: burpees AMRAP
Partner walking: farmer carry coupon
Do this twice

Round 2:
Partner at top: dead bugs AMRAP
Partner walking: rifle carry down, murder bunny up
Do this twice

Round 3:
Partner at top: squat jumps AMRAP
Partner walking: curl shoulder press down, drag coupon backwards up
Do this twice

Round 4:
Partner at top: merkins AMRAP
Partner walking: rifle carry down, deadlift flip the coupon back up
Do this twice

Round 5:
Partner at top: cockroaches AMRAP
Partner walking: farmer carry coupon down, lunge walk back up with coupon
Did this once 🙁

Took a long mosey back to the flag

End in COT