Always barely outside…

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-01-16
Weather: Brisk

Q: Buzz Kill
PAX: 5 – Buzz Kill, Sous Vide, Incognito, Muck, Flu Shot

A few things but it was a lane warmup.

Tha Thang
In the shelter. So outside, sort of.

4 teams doing stations. Station four is the timer.

Bonnie blairs or lunges
Out and back 5 burpees

lap in between

Copperhead squats
Plank jacks
Out and back

lap in between

Squat jumps
Mountain climbers
Carolina drydocks
Out and back no more burpees

lap in between

Big boys
Seal claps
Copperhead merkins
Out and back

Ab exercises interspersed.

End in COT