Another Day in Paradise

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-01-24
Weather: Basically Florida (45°F)

Q: Splitter
PAX: 10 – Sous Vide, Wood rider (DR), Oshag, Armstrong, Steve-O, Buzz Kill, Chewbacca, Cowbell, Bootlegger, Splitter

Misc warm up.

Tha Thang
Mosey to stadium. Run a lap. Do 20 lunges, 15 squats, 10 Merkins. For the second lap, at each corner complete 15 hand release merkins.

Mosey back to parking lot and grab ruck / weight

DT = 5 rounds of : 12 deadlift, 9 hang squat cleans, 6 shoulder to overhead

End in COT