Zig zag cardio (maybe it’s more like a snake??)

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-02-21
Weather: A tad chilly-but not too bad. Around 40°

Q: Splash Down
PAX: 17 – Muck, Sous Vide, Chewbacca, Wally World, Zebra, Lincoln Log, Steve-O, Count Chocula, Buffet, Incognito, Splitter, Baby Driver, 49er, Lansbury, The Janitor, Splash Down, Shaggy (DR)

Stretch what you need OYO

Dynamic stretches:
– high knees/butt kicks
-open gates/close gates
-high skips

Tha Thang
Run parking lot in zig zag (or snake… idk) pattern. Each “cross walk section” stop and do exercise (8 in total). Return to starting position and plank or Al Gore until full pax has returned. Repeat circuit until time is up. Pax completed 4x. Last circuit each exercise was done in cadence (IC)

Stop 1: 10 Merkins
Stop 2: 10 LBCs
Stop 3: 20 jumping lunges (10 each leg)
Stop 4: 10 gas pumpers
Stop 5: 20 shoulder taps (10 each arm)
Stop 6: body squats (last circuit- copperhead squats)
Stop 7: 10 Catalina wine mixers
Stop 8: 10 burpees

End in COT

Rule #1. cardio

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-19
Weather: Some clouds, mostly clear and cold – around 25° To 35°

Q: Splash Down
PAX: 14 – Raquel, Possum, Axeman, Pom Pom, 49er, Sous Vide, Muck, Oshag, Ricky Bobby, Hertz, Liberace, Radio, Count Chocula, Splash Down

Various runner stretching:
Quad pulls
Calf stretches
Leg swings
Runner stretch
Grass grabbers x 10 IC
1 minute of “stretch whatever you need”

Tha Thang
Mosey to tennis courts.

Round 1
* traditional suicide run with in between each tennis court as the stop and turn point. (Once at the furthest start over)
* Low plank/ al gore till all are back

Round 2
* Suicide run with exercise in between each tennis court. (Not a ladder format so each exercise was done once)
Stop 1: 25 SSHs
Stop 2: 25 LBCs
Stop 3: 25 lunges (1 is 1)
Stop 4: 25 mountain climbers
Stop 5: 25 gas pumpers
Stop 6: 25 merkins
Stop 7: 25 Bobby hurleys
Stop 8: no exercise. pick up the pace on return.
* Plank/al gore until pax is back.

Did round 2 twice.

Ended with 4 minutes of traditional suicide runs.

To Oshags disapproval we ended a few minutes, this VQ will make sure to not make that mistake again.

Thanks for being good sports everyone!

End in COT