Rule #1. cardio

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-12-19
Weather: Some clouds, mostly clear and cold – around 25° To 35°

Q: Splash Down
PAX: 14 – Raquel, Possum, Axeman, Pom Pom, 49er, Sous Vide, Muck, Oshag, Ricky Bobby, Hertz, Liberace, Radio, Count Chocula, Splash Down

Various runner stretching:
Quad pulls
Calf stretches
Leg swings
Runner stretch
Grass grabbers x 10 IC
1 minute of “stretch whatever you need”

Tha Thang
Mosey to tennis courts.

Round 1
* traditional suicide run with in between each tennis court as the stop and turn point. (Once at the furthest start over)
* Low plank/ al gore till all are back

Round 2
* Suicide run with exercise in between each tennis court. (Not a ladder format so each exercise was done once)
Stop 1: 25 SSHs
Stop 2: 25 LBCs
Stop 3: 25 lunges (1 is 1)
Stop 4: 25 mountain climbers
Stop 5: 25 gas pumpers
Stop 6: 25 merkins
Stop 7: 25 Bobby hurleys
Stop 8: no exercise. pick up the pace on return.
* Plank/al gore until pax is back.

Did round 2 twice.

Ended with 4 minutes of traditional suicide runs.

To Oshags disapproval we ended a few minutes, this VQ will make sure to not make that mistake again.

Thanks for being good sports everyone!

End in COT