F3 Lexington- Pre-Blast – 05/26/18

Tolly Ho! This Saturday Gepetto and Backdraft are returning to where we spent many years of drunken debauchery and probably not much working out. A lot of our time was spent at the U Club or CCI’s which now that I think about it, most have never heard of either of those places unless your old like us. Our brother from another mother, Meatball, won’t be able to make it due to injury but don’t worry we will handle the Q duties. As a matter of fact, we like you Lexington guys so much that we are bringing gifts. So get ready for a good ol’ fashion snot woggler from a couple of LexVegas vets. There will be some running and definitely some lifting so bring gloves, you’ll need them. SYITG


Who:  HIM’s of Lexington, KY – Bring your headlocks too!

What:  F3 Bootcamp-style workout Q’ed by Backdraft & Gepetto of F3 Louisville

When:  5/26/18 0700-0800  (Coffeeteria meetup after)

Where:  3745 Shillito Park Rd Lexington, KY 40503 (Look for the American Flag on a Shovel)