Field of Pain

Location: MoCo
Date: 2023-11-04
Weather: Better than yesterday

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 6 – Golden Shower, Tonka, Gwazi , Buffet, Chewbacca, Buc-ee

OYO Static

Tha Thang
2 rounds of Field of Dreams

Round 1- Coupons
1st- Curls
2nd- Captain Thor
3rd- Farmer Carry
Home (The Timer)- 5 Block Webbs

After every 4th rotation, mosey around AO

Round 2- Texas Rangers
1st- Chuck Norris Merkins (Chuck is Texas)
2nd- mountain climbers (cause the Rangers had to climb the mountain to World Series victory)
3rd- Cowboy (sumo) squats
Home- Hit for the cycle. Run from home to first and back, then first and second and back, first, second, third, and finally trot the bases for a homer!

American Hammers
Peter Parker picked a pike of Spidermans (something like that… Chewie had it named)
Flutter Kicks

End in COT