Four Corners of Fun!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-12-07
Weather: 33 with a feels like of 23 but nice

Q: Axeman
PAX: 9 – Axeman, Oshag, Sous Vide, Chewbacca, Baby Driver, Hoser, Buzz Kill, Incognito, LeBron

Disclaimer given and pax moseyed to corner of lot nearest coupons. Various warm-ups performed including Micheal Phelps, SSH’s, hamstring, quad and calf stretches.

Tha Thang
Pax began in corner 1 with 20 coupon curls, moseyed to next corner for 20 mercans, to corner 3 for 20 lunges and 4th corner for 20 big boys then returned to start. They then performed 19 coupon squats, then 19 mercans, lunges and big boys at each corner. This was continued until time ran out. Lots of work and moseying was had by all!

End in COT