Friday the 13th, SPOOK-tober Ruck Fest

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2023-10-13
Weather: Spooooooky

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 7 – Muck, Showcase Showdown, Splitter, Wally World, Flu Shot, Corn Dog, Steve-O

PAX stretched as needed pre-5:30

Tha Thang
Rucked around Kroger field stopping to do 15, over and over, picked up a couple dogs’ poops (we assume they were from dogs) 1 round of lunge stair climbing in the middle of all the squatting, once we reached the round about near the AO we formed a circle inside of it and did another 15, deep, full range of motion, good squats then rucks off, 25 monkey Humpers, 10 / side RDLs, 15 TNT Toads, 10 more RDLs / side, 25 more monkey Humpers, rucks back on and 15 more deep, full range of motion, good squats, all the while early morning commuters circled us wondering wtp (what the poo) we were doing. Rucked back to AO and did one last round of 15, deep, full range of motion, good squats, rucks off and did monkey humpers til 6:15 hit.

End in COT