Hill Climbing

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-06-22
Weather: 61 and glorious

Q: Axeman
PAX: 9 – Oshag, Sous Vide, Muck, Swift, Snowflake, Axeman, Hoser, Santa’s Little Helper, Baby Driver

Mosey to basketball courts for some dynos- Michael Phelps, arm circle, high knees, butt kickers, swoops, pigeon pulls, Frankensteins and chest hug knee pulls

Tha Thang
PAX moseyed to the football field and grabbed coupons that were deposited at the top of the scoreboard hill. Then 11’s were done as follows:
No Surrenders (1) at bottom, bear crawl up hill/ mosey down with coupon curls at the top (10). Reps were increased at the bottom and decreased with each turn at the top.
Then PAX moseyed up the hill and crawl-beared down with the reps alternating between American Hammers at the bottom and overhead press into a tricep extension with coupon at the top.
Return to flag – loving summer time!

End in COT