ManChild Circle of Trouble Stations

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2022-10-20
Weather: 27

Q: Manchild
PAX: 5 – Quick Match, Big E, Doc Holiday, Sour Mash, Bootlegger

Butterfly twirls, Michael Phelps slaps, Leggo!

Tha Thang
45 seconds work/12 seconds rest for 34 minutes. Rotate to new station each time.

Station 1- slams with ball, 40 lb
Station 2- curl and press, 30 lb dbs
Station 3- squat kicks R/L alt, bodyweight
Station 4- Kettle bell swings, 45, 53, or 70 lb
Station 5- sand bag throws over shoulder, 50 lb
Station 6- merkins over coupon
Station 7- sandbag sumo high pulls, 50 lb


8 min Core finisher: 30 v-ups, 30 sec plank, 10 bb sit-ups, 20 v-ups, 30 sec plank, 20 bb sit ups, 10 v-ups, 30 sec plank, 30 bb sit ups

Lost feeling in both pinkies means it was good I think. Great work men.

End in COT