Monday Ruck and PT

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-01-29
Weather: mid-30’s

Q: Incognito
PAX: 8 – Muck, Chewbacca, Cowbell, Sous Vide, Buzz Kill, Tiny Dancer, Circle K, Incognito

Warmed Up

Tha Thang
Rucked around the track south toward the alternate pullup shelter

Along the way stopped periodically for merkins, reverse lunges, overhead press, curls, and squats
At the shelter we took our rucks off
10-12 of each exercise
Overhead Press
Bent Over Row
Tricep Dip
Repeato for a total of 4 sets

Rucked back to flag using the road and the path that goes by the football field and concession stand
Stopped a couple times for merkins and squats

At the flag, we closed with reverse lunges, merkins, and squats

End in COT