More Mashed Potatoes Please!

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-11-28
Weather: Cool but refreshing

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 8 – Weird Science, Zebra, Mule, Sparky, Sushi, Duggar, Triceratops, Animal Style

Side Straddle Hops
Arm circles
Grass Grabbers
Finkle Swings (Laces Out!)

Tha Thang
Moseyed to get a coupon and then circled up for some reflecting on our Thanksgiving meals!

Despite a solid Q from Duggar at Paddock on Friday, the Q still had lots of Thanksgiving food to work off! To stay slim and trim, the Pax followed a specific scientific plan to burn off the extra calories. For each part of the Thanksgiving meal, the Pax did a specific exercise.

Mashed Potatoes=Alternatively Shoulder Taps 20 (2 is one)
Rolls=10 Arods
Stuffing=20 Overhead presses
Sweet potatoes = 20 curls
Broccoli Casserole =20 coupon squats
Corn pudding=20 coupon rows
Turkey with Gravy=20 Merkins
Bread Sauce = Big Boys (from Duggar’s meal)

Since we all know we had seconds, each exercise was done a second time. This time we added Green Bean Casserole =15 Man Makers (from Animal Style’s meal)

The Q then realized he had had “thirds” and the Pax repeated the exercises a third time to make sure no calories were left behind! This time we added Mac N Cheese= 40 Freddie Mercury’s (From Zebra’s meal).

The Pax then had to work off desert!
Pecan Pie=40 American Hammers
Pumpkin Pie=10 Burpees

We repeated these as well because who can have just one slice of pie!

Banana Pudding=40 squats( from Triceratops and Dugger’s meal)

We the returned the coupons and in honor of the First Thanksgiving did a Fellowship Run (Sparky’s version of an Indian Run) back to the starting area.

There was still a little time left so we did planks, six inches, and star crunches until time was up.

End in COT