Mumble Ruck and Slice of Leg PT for Dessert

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-01-12
Weather: Great for January

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 8 – Corn Dog, Cowbell, Bootlegger, Armstrong, Flu Shot, Muck, Steve-O, Phantom Menace

Surely you jest

Tha Thang
Good pace mumble ruck lap around the ‘Wood. Circled up at the AO and did:
Single Leg / RDLs 10 / leg no (ruck optional)
Front squats w/ ruck x 20
Reverse lunges (ruck optional) 10 / leg
Copperhead squats w/ ruck x 15
4 Count Scissor Kicks in Cadence x 12

End in COT