Running hills at grandmothers house

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-01-11
Weather: Brisk. Icy.

Q: Buzz Kill
PAX: 10 – Buzz Kill, Sous Vide, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Baby Driver, Hoser, Axeman, LeBron, Muck, 49er


Tha Thang
Mosey to the football field hill.

Run the hill between sets… 20 plank jacks, 15 merkins, 10 squat jumps, 5 plank jack burpees

Plank or burpees until all pax complete.

Mosey to grandmother’s house hill.


Mosey to the next bench

20/20/20 big boys, merkins, air squats

Mosey to grandmother’s house hill.

Back to the first set of exercises with Jill climbs.

Mosey to football field hill. Look at it.

Mosey back to flag.


It should be noted that the Q also thought this sucked. It should be noted that some pax thought the workout should have ended prior to 6:00 and I agree.

End in COT