Number 1

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-06-28
Weather: 63

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 13 – Bootlegger, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Muck, Sparrow, LeBron, Steve-O, Oshag, Raquel, Showcase Showdown, The Janitor, Wally World, Axeman

Michael Phelps
Arm circles
Grass grabbers

Tha Thang
Jog to football field
Two-man groups:
One Pax- run 50m/1 man maker/run 100m/1 man maker
Other Pax- 1000 total of Pax choice…squats/merkens/American hammers/side straddle hip
20 count rest
300m of rifle carry and murder bunnies (rotate Pax)
Jog back to flag
30 ice scatters
10 TNT toads

End in COT