Revenge of the Crazy Frog

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-11-08
Weather: Mid 40s, chilly

Q: Wally World
PAX: 13 – Wally World, The Janitor, Sous Vide, Splitter, Steve-O, Bootlegger, Incognito, Muck, Axeman, Oshag, 49er, Santa’s Little Helper, Snowflake

OYO stretching for 4 minutes

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the tennis courts.

At the start, do 10 BDE burpees (burpee with 2 jump lunges & a squat). Bear crawl the width of each tennis court, completing 10 mericans in the gap between tennis courts. After each set of mericans, switch bear crawl direction (forward, side, side, backward). At the end of the courts, complete another 10 BDE burpees. On the way back, replace bear crawls with lunge, lunge & squat walks, and replace mericans with 10 monkey humpers. Repeato until time is up.

All of this was made infinitely easier by listening to Axel F by Crazy Frog on repeat for the entire 45 minutes.

End in COT