Should Have Brought Chalk

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2024-02-05
Weather: 32

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 6 – Bootlegger, Lifetime, Doc Holiday, Sour Mash, Quick Match, Manchild

300m jog
Side straddle hops
Knee pulls
Pigeon pulls
Quad pulls

Tha Thang
Pax did two rounds of the following:
1. 10 merkins/75m sprint/10 big boys/75m jog
2. 10 merkins/30m murder bunny/10 coupon curl OH press/30m coupon rifle carry
3. 10 merkins/20m lunge/20 Jane Fondas/20m lunge
4. 10 merkins/20m bear crawl/10 55lb squats/ 20m bear crawl

Pax jogged 500m/90sec wall sit/20 dips/400m/90 sec wall sit/20 dips/200m.

Pax completed one more round of the first four exercises sets.

End in COT