Sound of silence

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-02-03
Weather: Sunny but cold

Q: Oshag
PAX: 16 – Oshag, Sous Vide, Hoser, Buzz Kill, Biz Markie , Bootlegger, Bettis, Cowbell, Radio, 49er, Molar, Axeman, Incognito, Bam, Dr. Quinn, TLC

Dynos – Franks, Butt Kickers, Pigeon Pulls, High Knees, Chest pulls. The Q discovered the cold had zapped the battery in his speaker so hence the backblast title.

Tha Thang
Dynamic exercise set – Dynamic Incline Chuck Norris (fall into the wall, catch yourself, and push off the wall back to your starting position), Leaping Squat (PAX jumped from the retaining wall into a squat), and PAX assisted Leg Lifts (PAX held their legs over the wall while their partner pushed their legs down). 5 reps each. Then a run – one direction was a short lap, the other was a long lap – PAX rotated running short and long laps after a set of exercises was complete.

After a few rounds, PAX traveled up the levels of the parking lot to the baseball shelter
Level 1 – Bear Crawl
Level 2 – Broad Jumps
Level 3 – Walking lunges

In the shelter:
Curl/Dip Ladder – 1 – 10 – PAX alternated reps with their partner working from 1 rep to 10.

Once finished with the ladder, PAX reversed the travel back to the bottom level and completed 2 more full laps. Then, we traveled back to the top for one more Curl/Dip ladder.

Put coupons away and mosey back to the flag.

Also in attendance, Bo Schembechler from Chicago and FNG aka ‘The Wizard’ – Dalton. Headlocked by TLC but we didn’t get an email.

End in COT