Tennis balls everywhere

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-06-02
Weather: Muggy

Q: Zebra
PAX: 12 – Bootlegger, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Sous Vide, Raquel, Steve-O, Lincoln Log, Geppetto, Incognito, The Janitor, Muck, Zebra

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
Copperhead squats IC
Tension Toads
Runner’s stretch

Team up and mosey to the tennis courts

Tha Thang
In groups of 3 or 4, pax rotated between 4 different activities.
1st – carried a 60-80lb sandbag
2nd – 4 court celebrations
3rd – Mercans AMRAP
4th – Big Boy Situps AMRAP

Repeat with Squats and American Hammers

After the 2nd round we all lined up for a full 8 court celebration. At each stop, pax rested with 2 mercans

Last round repeat with 3 court celebrations, sandbag carry, TNT Toad Squat jumps and LBC’s.

There were a number of tennis balls left out on the courts this morning. Oshag made sport of it by launching them at the runners throughout.

End in COT