The Longest Yard

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-09-15
Weather: Clear sky’s, clear hearts, can’t loose. A clean 58°F

Q: Splitter
PAX: 13 – The Janitor, Sous Vide, Ollie, Axeman, Steve-O, Incognito, Muck, Wally World, Dub-K, Lansbury, Bam, Zebra, Splitter

Dynamic warm ups

Tha Thang
The Longest Yard

15 min AMRAP
* Start on goal line
* 20yrd walking lunges w/ coupon on shoulder
* 10 burpee block overs
* Leave coupon at current spot, run to baseline and back.
* Rinse and repeat. (The run grows each round. Longest run is 100yrds down and back)

12 min EMOM – Death By (adding reps each round) (Was cut to 10mins due to time)
* 3.. 4.. 5.. Big boy sit ups
* 6.. 8.. 10.. Mountain Climbers
* After each round is complete, hold plank until the start of the next round.

Extra Credit to Steve-O, Zebra, and Lansbury for grabbing coupons from the baseball fields.

End in COT