Welsh Dragons are FUN!!!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-05-23
Weather: 60 and PERFECT!!!!

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Baby Driver, Incognito, Muck, Sparrow, Splitter

Started at the flag and traveled across the parking lot doing SSH’s, lunges, walk outs with mercans, Frankensteins, high skipping, ankle raises, side shuffles and 10 Superman’s.

Tha Thang
In the parking lot on the far left side, we divided into two teams of three. From the bottom of the hill, the first person sprinted to the top where the coupons are and grabbed one and ran back with it while the second person was in a plank and the third person was doing LBC’s. We continued this until each team had 6 coupons in a relay race fashion. Then we returned the coupons to the top of the hill while the second person did no surrenders and the third person did squats.
Then, each person farmer carried two coupons to the shelter and we each held one coupon while completing Bulgarian split squats 10 each leg. We did three sets of ten with a 60 second rest. We then went back into the parking lot and completed a Welsh dragon to give our legs a rest. We then finished with 3 hill sprints.

End in COT