You know what this Q needs? More Bearcrawls.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-31
Weather: Decadent

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 10 – Showcase Showdown, Sous Vide, Axeman, Bootlegger, Muck, Geppetto, The Janitor, Mace, Steve-O, Incognito

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Runners Stretch Muck Style, Tension Toads, Bend and Hang, Copper Head Squats, Mosey to Dumpster Coupons.

Tha Thang
Dora 123, Round 1:
100 Coupon Swings
200 Overhead Press
300 Coupon Squats
1 partner doing exercise while the other ran to far cross walk and did one of the following and ran back:
10 Mountain Climbers
10 LBCs
10 Side Straddle Hops
Dora 12, Round 2:
100 Thrusters
200 Curls
1 partner doing exercise while the other Bear crawled 5 parking spaces and did one of the following and bear crawled back. PSA: Grizzlies have been spotted in the area!:
10 Flutter Kicks 2 is 1
10 Saturday Nights
Returned coupons and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT