Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-03-12
Weather: 40’s and dry!
Q: Zebra
PAX: 4 – Incognito, Sous Vide, Bagman, Zebra
Obviously several pax were concerned about the events in our world and decided to sit this one out. The faithful and true arrived to the playing of It’s the End of the World by REM blaring. QIC considered playing this on loop for the entire morning, but after a couple times on repeat decided to mix it up a bit.
Zebra, Incog and Sous Vide took a quick warm-up lap around the lot while Bagman rolled in and joined us.
15 Grass Grabbers IC
15 Michael Phelps IC
Runners Stretch
Everyone grabbed something out of Zebra’s trunk (Q had some new medicine balls, 20 lb dumbbells and a kettlebell) and moseyed to the basketball courts
Tha Thang
4 Pax participated on the basketball courts, but no fans were allowed in attendance for this beatdown.
Thang 1: 5 stations, 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds to move stations, 2 times through
Stations: Med ball squat throws on the backboard, Med ball American Hammers, Plank Kettlebell pull throughs, Dumbbell curls, Merkins
Thang 2: Wilt Chamberlain
100 total reps, 25 at a time on each end-line of the court.
LBC’s on one end, Squats on the other end
Thang 3: Back to station work
Stations: Med ball squat throws on the backboard, Overhead Claps, Med ball rolling merkins, Grapplers, Dumbbell curls
Thang 4: Last station
Stations: Med ball slams, Burpees, Suicides, Dumbbell curls
For our finisher, we did a 2 court suicide. Then gave the pax the option of repeating or doing 5 burpees. All chose the burpees.
End in COT
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