F3Lexington Launch BackBlast 5.12.18


PAX: DoubleDown(Respect) Gypsy, Gypsy (NC), Flounder, Biscuit, OJ, Wham!, Mayberry, ForceClose, RoadTrip & our FNGs: Opera Ghost, Bucky, Crabcake, Lincoln Log, Ooze, Hans&Franz, Suvee, Radio, O’Shag, Swanson, BarneyFife, Valdez, Gamby, Spackler and Taylor (to be named later)

Conditions: 70ish degrees and gorgeous.

Hard start at 0700 at Shillito Park Pool parking lot. Welcoming remarks and disclaimer given. Mosey through the field, across the creek and into the practice field  for some COP.



20 SSH IC (Side Straddle Hops and in cadence)

20 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Copperhead Squats IC

15 Merkins 2 Count

Spent some time during this explaining the first 2 Core Principles.

Moseyed to the tennis cours for Thang 1.  By the way there are 8 connected tennis courts at this AO.  The possibilities are endless.


Started off with some DORA 123.  Partner 1 started with merkins while P2 ran to the end of court 4, performed to burpees and ran back.  switched and used cumulative counting to 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs.  Once complete PAX joined groups still working and helped them knock out the remaining LBCs.

While recovering discussed the next 2 Core Principles.

Next exercise was a group lunge walk for 2 tennis courts, Gypsy taught me yet another reason to clap, followed by 2 court bear crawl.  Run back to start.

Left the tennis courts and circled up for a Circle Burp.  PAX does high knees and we go around the circle stating our name followed by one burpee.  26 burpees in all.  Woof.

Moseyed around the park past the play ground to the perimeter running trail.   Partnered up for some Plank and Dip work.  P1 did 15 dips while P2 did elbow planks.  Rinse and repeat 2X.


Short mosey back to pool lot where we did SSH while we waited for the 6.

Circled up for some Mary.

20 Gas Pumps IC

20 American Hammer IC

20 Dolly IC

Phiffer Kicks on my count

20 Rosalita IC (en español)

20 Dying Cockroaches (OJ)

15 Big Boy Sit Ups OYO (on your own)


Count-o-roma, Name-o-roma.  With 15 FNGs this took a little longer than usual.  It was great to get to know these guys a little more and give them their F3 names.  Lots of laughs and smiles.

Explained what the Circle of Trust was and that it was the 5th Core Principle.  Arm in arm YHC closed with words of appreciation for the men who came out to get better today.   Could not be happier with the turn out today and can’t wait to come back next week and see some familiar faces.  You guys crushed it today and definitely earned some smoked meat and beer.

In closing, Gypsy (NC) is a stud.  Came in from Carolina, brought gloves for FNGs and taught me how to clap my way through my lunge walks.  Oh, and did I mention when he was asked for a 10 count to allow the PAX to catch their breath he dropped and counted out 10 Merkins.  Stud.  TClaps




One thought on “F3Lexington Launch BackBlast 5.12.18

  1. Great time this morning. The word is out and we will be bringing more to the party.

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