Minor Training

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-05-08
Weather: Just right.

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 8 – Lincoln Log, Zebra, Muck, Sous Vide, Splitter, Sparrow, Bettis, Flu Shot

YHC gave the PAX a choice of cake or ice cream. The unanimous choice was Ice Cream. The flavor turned out to be Rocky Road. Next time we will eat cake.

Tha Thang
Ruck to parking lot above tennis courts. YHC instructed PAX to drop into a plank.

Merkins – 10 IC with slow DOWN, UP count. Brief plank holds were sprinkled in.
Squats – 10 IC with slow DOWN, UP count. Brief squat holds were sprinkled in.
Flutters – 15 IC

We recovered, then rucked down the steps all the way to the lower courts, over to the adjacent set of steps, and back up. We did this loops twice before returning to the parking lot.

Repeato several times and returned to Startex. Bernie’d up the right side of the lot and back down to finish out the time.

End in COT