Phins Up!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-09-01
Weather: If you listened real close, you could hear the waves crashing on South Beach 😎

Q: Muck
PAX: 9 – Sous Vide, Ollie, Bam, Showcase Showdown, The Janitor, Splitter, Steve-O, Wally World, Muck

-The Definitive Runners Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Michael Phelps
– Copperhead Squats (IC, 13)

Tha Thang
Wearing his new “I want to party like it’s 1973” shirt, the Q chose to do a Dolphins Dora… either 73 or 173 reps on one end, 13 reps on the other (to honor the greatest QB in Dolphins history, Dan Marino)

1. Pair up (just like the Marks Brothers, Clayton and Duper did),

2. Mosey to football field coupons,

3. Take coupons to one end of the football field,

4. One PAX begins exercise... the other PAX runs approximately 100 yards to glory (just like Larry Czonka and Mercury Morris often did in 1972, the only perfect season in NFL history), does a different exercise, then back to relieve his partner.

• 73 – Overhead presses (13 plank jacks)
• 173 – Coupon swings (Dan Marino’s… lunge walk down the field, 13 Squats, lunge walk back to partner)
• 173 – Curls (13 Side to side jump Squats)
• 173 – LBC’s (13 Mercans) *Bernies there and back
• 173 – Bench Presses (13 Grass Grabbers)

5. Put coupons back and mosey back to the flag.

Seven minutes of pax choice Mary, but the rep count had to be 13. Made it threw eight exercices.

Coach Don Shula, the all-time winningest coach in NFL history, would have been proud.

Phins up!!!

End in COT