Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-05-17
Weather: Cloudy… chilly… typical early April. Oh wait, this is mid May. Nevermind. 🙂
Q: Muck
PAX: 9 – Possum, Sous Vide, Oshag, Wally World, Piggy, Jigsaw, Axeman, Muck, Sushi
– Runners Stretch (side to side)
– Deep squat
Let’s roll!
Tha Thang
Rucked 2.4 miles, doing 20 squats and 20 mercans at six stops..
In an attempt to get pax more familiar with the F3 Q Source, we went over some F3 language terms at each of the six stops along the way:
Q Source Four Quadrants- Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right
Today we went over some the language of the FIRST QUADRANT (Q1) Get Right
DRP- Daily Red Pill. The daily commitment to accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship and Faith.
King- The daily discipline of physically training the body.
Queen- The daily discipline over what is put into the body.
Jester- The temptation of the flesh that hinders Acceleration.
M- Most Important Person (i.e. wife).
Shorties- The sacrificial relationship between a man and his children.
Shield Lock- The horizontal relationship between men.
Whetstone- The vertical relationship between men.
Mammon- The sustaining relationship between a man and his work.
Prayer- A man’s daily discipline of talking with his Creator in order to build his Faith.
Study- The daily exploration into the foundations of Faith.
Meeting- The public manifestation of Faith.
Go to F3Nation.com to learn more about the Q Source.
End in COT