QIC: Red Roof & Nugget (DR Louisville Pax)
Pax (22 – 4 FNG’s):Â Road Trip, Bucky, Gamby, Cutlass (Louisville), Seabass (Louisville), Gepetto (Louisville), Lincoln Log, Barney Fife, Valdeez, Biscuit, Radio, Zartan (Louisville), Red Roof (Louisville), Nugget (Louisville), Ooze, Hans&Franz, Opera Ghost, Suvee, Belsky (FNG), Ollie (FNG), Beeper (FNG), Dugger (FNG)
My 0445 alarm may as well have been a bull horn. Early mornings in the gloom are one thing during the week but Saturdays are an entirely different story. On Fridays I usually hit the streets with the Live PD guys and lose track of time. Anyway, I woke up quick and shook the cobwebs out, then I remembered why I was getting up so early…..we get to clown car down to Lexington to meet up with some local HIMs and help launch F3 Lexington!
Introducing FNG’s to F3 is, hands down, one of my favorite things to do:Â The look of confusion on their faces with the Lexicon during COP, the despair in their eyes the first time you tell them to get on their six in the soaking wet grass, and finally the moment it all clicks for them as to how cool F3 really is.
Like I was saying I was really excited about this. I put on my shirt, shorts (not always a given as I will explain later), and my shoes and I was on my way to Le Mutt to meet other pax for the Clown Car to Lex. HIMs Zartan, Gepetto, Nugget, and Seabass were all ready to go. BTW Seabass turned 14 on Saturday and T-claps to him for getting out of bed to workout with a bunch of old (relatively) men!
After the car ride down we made it to beautiful Shillito Park. I’ve been to a lot of AO’s and walking around Shillito, this one has it all: Tennis courts, hills, football fields, basketball courts, dudes with no pants on, and…..oh yeah about that. As YHC, Nugget, Seabass, Gepetto, and Zartan learned you never know what you might find at a public park at 0645 on a Saturday morning.
As we’re walking to the tennis courts checking out the beautiful facilities we spotted a man standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips. No big deal, looks like an FNG didn’t know where the shovel flag was and thought that was the meetup spot. Wait, That’s no FNG, this dude ain’t wearing pants!!! As we start to process what we’re seeing the man also spots us walking towards him and bolts in his t-shirt and undies never to be seen again. Who knows where he went? Maybe he watched us from afar and will post next week? Maybe he found his other pants-less friends somewhere and wrote a back blast about how weird it was seeing a bunch of fully clothed people at Shillito? I don’t know but I’m glad Seabass wasn’t 13 when he had to see that.
I digress…
Disclaimer:Â YHC is not a professional, I’m barely an ameteur, modifiy as you need to etc., etc.
YHC handed the keys to Nugget and we moseyed to the big field for COP.
COP (Circle of Pain):
Copperhead Squats (x20)
Imperial Walkers (x20)
Arm Circles (front and back)
Abe Begodas (x20)
Mosey to the tennis courts for the Thang:
Thang #1:Â 700 Club
Break into groups of four. Start at the middle of the eight tennis courts and do the following:
200 Merkins as a group then run to the first court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.
200 LBCs (Little baby crunches)Â as a group then run to the second court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.
200 Squats as a group then run to the third court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.
Once you’re back in the middle do five more BOYO’s and plank while you wait for the six.
Next, we moseyed back over the field to the steep little hill between our flag and the field for Thang #2
Thang #2:Â 7’s
1 Bobby Hurley (Our favorite little Duke floor slapper) and run down for 6 Groiners at the bottom
2 BH’s and 5 Groiners
3 BH’s and 4 Groiners
Repeat etc., etc.
Cooled down with some quick Mary exercises then on to the next Thang.
Thang #3:Â
Next we lined up on the football field at the end set of cones.
Bear Crawl to the first set of cones, mosey back.
Bear crawl to first cones, crab walk to the second set, mosey back.
Bear crawl, crab walk, then crawl bear to the third set, mosey back.
After that we walked it back down the ladder, bear crawl & crab walk, then just bear crawl.
Finally: AYG (All you got) to the last cones and back, Bernie sanders up and mosey back, karaoke up and also back, mario up and back.
Back to the flag for COT.
COT (Circle of Trust):
Once there the pax did 14 BOYOs for Seabass 14th birthday. HBD Seabass!
Intentions and prayers were heard. We asked for strength and determination to be better men for everyone around us and also to ourselves.
Moleskin:  It was a really great meeting this group of HIM’s from FLEXington. I have no doubt that this pax will be strong and vibrant for many workouts to come. F3 continues to inspire me every day to be a better person and I couldn’t do it without my brothers standing behind me.
~Red Roof
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