F3 Lexington – The Numbers and the Feels (So Far) #Flexington


For those of you following along, we just completed Week 4 of the F3 Lexington — now known as Flexington — Launch.

A little background:  The Flexington Launch (code name F3 Lex Vegas) was the first floated by OBT in the summer of 2017, a few months after the F3 Louisville Leap.  The F3 Louisville guys spent a couple more months working on their own Region, and decided that on May 12, 2018, F3 Lexington would launch.

And it did.  With a bang.

Consider this:

Week 1:  26 Pax; 15 FNGs

Week 2:  22 Pax; 4 FNGs

Week 3:  24 Pax; 8 FNGs

Week 4:  26 Pax; 6 FNGs

Who’s got a #milkshake?  #Flexington does.

This labor of love was spearheaded by F3 Louisville’s Zartan (@zhanley), and has seen HIM travel from all over the country to be part of the launch.  This week, the Comz keys will be handed over to the HIM in Flexington.  And there are two more weeks of the Launch to go with Kilo Q’ing June 9 and OJ batting clean up on June 16.

We’re sure there will be updates along the way.  And if you want to be part of the Launch, there’s still time and room.  Think of it this way:  the only thing better than F3 is giving it away….

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Bluegrass Beatdown coming soon!!!


I am getting super excited about coming back to Lexington and making an appearance at the new region. F3 has been a huge part of my life for a year now down in the GrandStrand region (Myrtle Beach) and I knew this would be great for Lexington and it would gain a huge following. As soon as I found out this was happening I knew I wanted to make the trip and be apart of the launch. A huge thank you goes out to Captain Insane-O and Zartan for working with me and getting me a spot on the Q sheet!!!

My plan for us next Saturday is simple, Snot Woggler! The last Region that GrandStrand participated in the launch of was Manning, SC and we drew week four which is the Snot Woggler week usually. The goal for the snot Woggler is simple, show the PAX what F3 has done for other men on the fitness side and demonstrate how how much you are truly capable of if you just push through. It will be fast, furious and brutal, if it isn’t you will receive a full refund at the end of the BOM! My goal as Q will be to provide each PAX with a full body workout hitting each muscle group in the lower and upper body while mixing  in a healthy dose of cardiovascular exercise as well. The workout will be preformed in true HIIT fashion mixing strength and endurance in a rotating fashion to maintain an elevated heart rate throughout the entire 1 hour bootcamp. Both of the routines we will be doing are ones that I have recently came up with, I am sure someone has done them before but I just wasn’t aware of it. So, hopefully this will be something new and outside of the norm for everyone. If you want to try and get an idea of what to expect check out and read through some of my old BBs. It’s gonna be SUPER!!



F3 FLEXington – 05/26/18 Back blast – Fast Times at Shillito Park!

QIC: Gepetto, Backdraft

PAX (21 – 8 FNG’s): Barney Fife, Biscuit, Lincoln Log, Radio, Kisses (FNG), Opera Ghost, Gamby, Suvee, Mr.Hand (FNG), Ollie, Hans & Franz, Ooze, Waco Kid (FNG), Stop, Drop, & Roll (Chapel Hill), White Wall (FNG), Dugger, Odor Eater (FNG), D3 (FNG), Road Trip, Newt (FNG), Sunbird (FNG)

When Gepetto and I began our journey to FLEXington yesterday, we had no idea that we would be graced with the presence of a couple of Hollywood icons from the 70’s and 80’s. No one knew they were even in our presence, including them. During Name O’ Rama though, it was revealed that both Mr. Hand, Jeff Spicoli’s history teacher from Ridgemont High and the Waco Kid from Blazing Saddles had been with us through our entire Coupon beatdown. We were glad to have them along with 6 other FNG’s, one visiting Pax from Chapel Hill (Booo 😉), and the 13 HIM’s who were back for a 2nd or 3rd week of F3 love.

Now as some of you know, I LOVE the Coupon. I know I don’t look the part but the Coupon and I have a special relationship. I love the rough feel in my gloved hands (give me a break I have sensitive palms), the feeling of it digging into my shoulder, and how it bounces up and down while I am…..HEY! Get your minds out of the gutter! I was going to say bounces up and down while I run with it on my shoulder, ya freaking pervo’s! Anyway, I do like working out with them. Gepetto had the great idea to gift some Coupons to our good friends from FLEXington. Gepetto being a true HIM was good enough to order and pick them up on Friday afternoon. We met up and along with Gepetto’s 2.0, Elmer, we painted the F3 logo on them and loaded them into his pickup truck.

My alarm went off at 4:50 am & as I am laying there questioning my sanity, Gepetto texts me at 4:52 saying he couldn’t sleep and asking if I was ready. Guess I am getting up now. He pulls up 10 minutes later and we were off. I must say, Shillito Park is one of the most versatile AO’s I have had the pleasure of visiting. The possibilities there are unlimited and I look forward to getting back soon. We set the Coupon pyramid out, secured the Ring of Fire, and we were ready to roll! What is the Ring of Fire you ask? Read On…

COP: Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Grass Grabbers, Downward dog leg/calf stretches, Cobra (back stretch).

Mosey: After the COP, the Pax took off on a little ½ mile warm up mosey led by YHC. I had the pleasure of running with Stop, Drop, and Roll, a visiting PAX from Chapel Hill. Great guy, loved how he got his F3 name. Ask him when he visits next time.  We were greeted at the end of the mosey by the Coupon pyramid on the side of the football field.

Thang 1: Ring of Fire – 20 different exercise stations shaped in a circle. Ten stations were Coupon related; Coupon Squats, Coupon Thrusters, Coupon Swings, American Hammer w/ Coupon, Hand Over Hand Coupon Merkins, Coupon (x2) Standing Farmers Walk, 2 Handed Coupon Shoulder Raises, Coupon Rows, Coupon Dead Lifts, Kneeling Coupon Press, and 10 non- Coupon exercises; Burpee’s, Plank, Heels to Heaven (Hip Lifts), Lunges, Rosalitas, Gas Pumps, Jump Squats, Freddie Mercuries, Big Boy Sit Up, & Al Gores. Each Pax member finds a station to start with, several of the stations had 2 Pax members due to Pax size. 45 seconds on at each station and 15 seconds off to move to the next station & rest. Each Pax member circles the Ring of Fire to complete all 20 stations.

Thang 2: Hill Run with 200 Coupon Curls – We made our way over to the hill on the side of the football field with the Coupons. The Pax Partnered up; Partner 1 began curling with the Coupon while Partner 2 runs to the bottom of the hill and back to the top. Partners switch up, Partner 2 takes over Coupon curls while Partner 1 runs to the bottom of the hill and back to the top. Rinse and repeat until 200 Coupon curls total are completed between the partners.

Thang 3: F3 Ultimate Football – Divide up into even number team’s, shirts and skins, to play ultimate football. No more than 3 steps taken until ball must be passed off to a teammate. If the ball hits the ground both teams drop for 2 burpee’s. I might add, Gepetto divided us up and made our team skins which I contend was a dick move. However, the skins ruled the day with 3 scores to the shirts 1, so suck it Gepetto!   ;P

Coupons were carried back to the flags in the parking lot for COT

COT: Intentions were heard and thanks was given for allowing us all the ability to come together and be healthy enough to be out there getting better. I am looking forward to the next time and good luck to the HIM’s of FLEXington! You guys are going to continue to crush it! Backdraft out.

F3 Lexington- Pre-Blast – 05/26/18

Tolly Ho! This Saturday Gepetto and Backdraft are returning to where we spent many years of drunken debauchery and probably not much working out. A lot of our time was spent at the U Club or CCI’s which now that I think about it, most have never heard of either of those places unless your old like us. Our brother from another mother, Meatball, won’t be able to make it due to injury but don’t worry we will handle the Q duties. As a matter of fact, we like you Lexington guys so much that we are bringing gifts. So get ready for a good ol’ fashion snot woggler from a couple of LexVegas vets. There will be some running and definitely some lifting so bring gloves, you’ll need them. SYITG


Who:  HIM’s of Lexington, KY – Bring your headlocks too!

What:  F3 Bootcamp-style workout Q’ed by Backdraft & Gepetto of F3 Louisville

When:  5/26/18 0700-0800  (Coffeeteria meetup after)

Where:  3745 Shillito Park Rd Lexington, KY 40503 (Look for the American Flag on a Shovel)

F3 FLEXington 5/19/18 Back Blast – we got pantsed

QIC: Red Roof & Nugget (DR Louisville Pax)

Pax (22 – 4 FNG’s): Road Trip, Bucky, Gamby, Cutlass (Louisville), Seabass (Louisville), Gepetto (Louisville), Lincoln Log, Barney Fife, Valdeez, Biscuit, Radio, Zartan (Louisville), Red Roof (Louisville), Nugget (Louisville), Ooze, Hans&Franz, Opera Ghost, Suvee, Belsky (FNG), Ollie (FNG), Beeper (FNG), Dugger (FNG)

My 0445 alarm may as well have been a bull horn.  Early mornings in the gloom are one thing during the week but Saturdays are an entirely different story.  On Fridays I usually hit the streets with the Live PD guys and lose track of time.  Anyway, I woke up quick and shook the cobwebs out, then I remembered why I was getting up so early…..we get to clown car down to Lexington to meet up with some local HIMs and help launch F3 Lexington!

Introducing FNG’s to F3 is, hands down, one of my favorite things to do:  The look of confusion on their faces with the Lexicon during COP, the despair in their eyes the first time you tell them to get on their six in the soaking wet grass, and finally the moment it all clicks for them as to how cool F3 really is.

Like I was saying I was really excited about this.  I put on my shirt, shorts (not always a given as I will explain later), and my shoes and I was on my way to Le Mutt to meet other pax for the Clown Car to Lex.  HIMs Zartan, Gepetto, Nugget, and Seabass were all ready to go.  BTW Seabass turned 14 on Saturday and T-claps to him for getting out of bed to workout with a bunch of old (relatively) men!

After the car ride down we made it to beautiful Shillito Park.  I’ve been to a lot of AO’s and walking around Shillito, this one has it all:  Tennis courts, hills, football fields, basketball courts, dudes with no pants on, and…..oh yeah about that.  As YHC, Nugget, Seabass, Gepetto, and Zartan learned you never know what you might find at a public park at 0645 on a Saturday morning.

As we’re walking to the tennis courts checking out the beautiful facilities we spotted a man standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.  No big deal, looks like an FNG didn’t know where the shovel flag was and thought that was the meetup spot.  Wait,  That’s no FNG, this dude ain’t wearing pants!!!  As we start to process what we’re seeing the man also spots us walking towards him and bolts in his t-shirt and undies  never to be seen again.  Who knows where he went?  Maybe he watched us from afar and will post next week?  Maybe he found his other pants-less friends somewhere and wrote a back blast about how weird it was seeing a bunch of fully clothed people at Shillito?  I don’t know but I’m glad Seabass wasn’t 13 when he had to see that.

I digress…

Disclaimer:  YHC is not a professional, I’m barely an ameteur, modifiy as you need to etc., etc.

YHC handed the keys to Nugget and we moseyed to the big field for COP.

COP (Circle of Pain):

Copperhead Squats (x20)

Imperial Walkers (x20)

Arm Circles (front and back)

Abe Begodas (x20)

Mosey to the tennis courts for the Thang:

Thang #1:  700 Club

Break into groups of four.  Start at the middle of the eight tennis courts and do the following:

200 Merkins as a group then run to the first court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.

200 LBCs (Little baby crunches) as a group then run to the second court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.

200 Squats as a group then run to the third court for 5 BOYOs (Burpees on your own) and back to the middle.

Once you’re back in the middle do five more BOYO’s and plank while you wait for the six.

Next, we moseyed back over the field to the steep little hill between our flag and the field for Thang #2

Thang #2:  7’s

1 Bobby Hurley (Our favorite little Duke floor slapper) and run down for 6 Groiners at the bottom

2 BH’s and 5 Groiners

3 BH’s and 4 Groiners

Repeat etc., etc.

Cooled down with some quick Mary exercises then on to the next Thang.

Thang #3: 

Next we lined up on the football field at the end set of cones.

Bear Crawl to the first set of cones, mosey back.

Bear crawl to first cones, crab walk to the second set, mosey back.

Bear crawl, crab walk, then crawl bear to the third set, mosey back.

After that we walked it back down the ladder, bear crawl & crab walk, then just bear crawl.

Finally: AYG (All you got) to the last cones and back, Bernie sanders up and mosey back, karaoke up and also back, mario up and back.

Back to the flag for COT.

COT (Circle of Trust):

Once there the pax did 14 BOYOs for Seabass 14th birthday.  HBD Seabass!

Intentions and prayers were heard.  We asked for strength and determination to be better men for everyone around us and also to ourselves.

Moleskin:  It was a really great meeting this group of HIM’s from FLEXington.  I have no doubt that this pax will be strong and vibrant for many workouts to come.  F3 continues to inspire me every day to be a better person and I couldn’t do it without my brothers standing behind me.

~Red Roof



Why Do You Do F3? cc @F3Houston

One of the great things about F3 is you can go to any workout and immediately you’re part of that Pax. We at F3 Louisville have had the pleasure of meeting many of the F3 Houston Pax, including Camo from F3 Houston/Katy (Kingdom Site Q), and he gave this explanation for why he does F3:

F3 to me: A group that pushes me past my limits and keeps me accountable. An environment that simultaneously allows me to challenge and be challenged. A force that serves our community, and serves as a light, in the darkest hours. A reason to get out of bed in the gloom then end the day a little bit better than I started it. A Nation committed to building leaders and sharpening Men at a time when it’s sorely needed. And finally, a PAX who started out strangers but whom I’m now proud to call Brothers.

Why highlight this Pax? Give this a read and you’ll see why F3 is so much more than a workout. Oh and that’s his pretty face in there along with many of the other studs from F3 Houston.

F3 FLEXington – 5/19/18 Pre-Blast

Men of Lexington:

Tomorrow, Nugget and I will have the privilege of visiting your fine city to deliver a beatdown of epic proportions.  And when I say beatdown, I mean a beatdown not seen in Lexington since Lamar Jackson went and…..well, I digress.  In other words, we can’t wait to share more of what F3 has given to us.  So please put the bourbon away a little early, stay hydrated, get some sleep, and get ready for tomorrow.  See you in the Gloom!


Who:  HIM’s of Lexington, KY – Bring your headlocks too!

What:  F3 Bootcamp-style workout Q’ed by Red Roof and Nugget of F3 Louisville

When:  5/19/18 0700-0800  (Coffeeteria meetup after)

Where:  3745 Shillito Park Rd Lexington, KY 40503 (Look for the American Flag on a Shovel)

Why:  To get a little better each and every day.

~Red Roof

F3Lexington Launch BackBlast 5.12.18


PAX: DoubleDown(Respect) Gypsy, Gypsy (NC), Flounder, Biscuit, OJ, Wham!, Mayberry, ForceClose, RoadTrip & our FNGs: Opera Ghost, Bucky, Crabcake, Lincoln Log, Ooze, Hans&Franz, Suvee, Radio, O’Shag, Swanson, BarneyFife, Valdez, Gamby, Spackler and Taylor (to be named later)

Conditions: 70ish degrees and gorgeous.

Hard start at 0700 at Shillito Park Pool parking lot. Welcoming remarks and disclaimer given. Mosey through the field, across the creek and into the practice field  for some COP.



20 SSH IC (Side Straddle Hops and in cadence)

20 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Copperhead Squats IC

15 Merkins 2 Count

Spent some time during this explaining the first 2 Core Principles.

Moseyed to the tennis cours for Thang 1.  By the way there are 8 connected tennis courts at this AO.  The possibilities are endless.


Started off with some DORA 123.  Partner 1 started with merkins while P2 ran to the end of court 4, performed to burpees and ran back.  switched and used cumulative counting to 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs.  Once complete PAX joined groups still working and helped them knock out the remaining LBCs.

While recovering discussed the next 2 Core Principles.

Next exercise was a group lunge walk for 2 tennis courts, Gypsy taught me yet another reason to clap, followed by 2 court bear crawl.  Run back to start.

Left the tennis courts and circled up for a Circle Burp.  PAX does high knees and we go around the circle stating our name followed by one burpee.  26 burpees in all.  Woof.

Moseyed around the park past the play ground to the perimeter running trail.   Partnered up for some Plank and Dip work.  P1 did 15 dips while P2 did elbow planks.  Rinse and repeat 2X.


Short mosey back to pool lot where we did SSH while we waited for the 6.

Circled up for some Mary.

20 Gas Pumps IC

20 American Hammer IC

20 Dolly IC

Phiffer Kicks on my count

20 Rosalita IC (en español)

20 Dying Cockroaches (OJ)

15 Big Boy Sit Ups OYO (on your own)


Count-o-roma, Name-o-roma.  With 15 FNGs this took a little longer than usual.  It was great to get to know these guys a little more and give them their F3 names.  Lots of laughs and smiles.

Explained what the Circle of Trust was and that it was the 5th Core Principle.  Arm in arm YHC closed with words of appreciation for the men who came out to get better today.   Could not be happier with the turn out today and can’t wait to come back next week and see some familiar faces.  You guys crushed it today and definitely earned some smoked meat and beer.

In closing, Gypsy (NC) is a stud.  Came in from Carolina, brought gloves for FNGs and taught me how to clap my way through my lunge walks.  Oh, and did I mention when he was asked for a 10 count to allow the PAX to catch their breath he dropped and counted out 10 Merkins.  Stud.  TClaps




Why Do You Do F3?

I asked some F3 Pax (Members) for their answer to this question, and here are their answers:

Red Roof – F3 Louisville Nant’an: F3 works for me because the workouts are early in the morning and they don’t interfere with work or family time. I love the comradery and accountability of the F3 pax all working to get better together. Plus, after an F3 workout the rest of the day seems easy.

Winnebago – F3 Nation Rucking Q: I do F3 as there essential things every man needs in their life. Friendship, accountability, laughter, competition, exercise and time outdoors. F3 provides event single one in 45 minutes to an hour. My 3 best friends were met through F3.

Mad Cow – F3 Louisville Site Q: I started F3 to get in shape physically. I continue to go to F3 for the bonds that I have built with like minded men. The fitness part is great but it’s the second F that keeps me coming back.

Banjo – F3 Carpex Leader: The encouragement and support we share is beyond comparison, whether it be my “prior”….gym rat circles, spin class, or running buddies. There is no way to fake it; we see each other’s shortcomings, rip apart the excuses, and build each other up, mostly with good natured ribbing and mumble chatter.

Glaucoma – F3 Louisville Site Q: F3 gives me a sense of community and friendship. I am in my 30’s do not live in the town I grew up in and don’t have a profession that creates a lot of close relationships. To create solid relationships with others is hard particularly as we get older and have children. F3 has given me opportunity to create those relationships and fill a large void that was missing in my life.

Zartan – F3 Louisville Grow Q: I never liked to work out alone so I made excuses to not work out. Now I make excuses to work out more because that’s where my friends are.

Barney Fife – F3 Birmingham Nant’an: Short answer: It’s all about the Fellowship. If you just want to workout, there are many ways to get that done. But the camaraderie in F3 is unmatched.

Zoolander – F3 Louisville Site Q:  I joined F3 because 2 guys I respect asked me repeatedly. So I went for the 1stF—fitness. I have stayed and recruited others because of the other 2F’s. I now have deep bonds with men I used to just nod at in passing,…and with men I didn’t even know a year ago. It’s one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. And it’s so fun! I laugh at every post. Every single one.

Wham! – F3 Louisville Site Q: It’s a one stop shop for becoming a better man in every aspect of your life.

Kilo – F3 Louisville Rucking Q: First to get fit. Then because I knew it was making me a better father husband and member of the community. I knew I needed F3 to get me in shape. I didn’t know I needed F3 to help me in all other aspects of life.

Digiorno – F3 Louisville Site Q: I was HL’d by a good friend. I had no idea what this F3 was…so I did some research. I then talked to the M about it and went to my first workout. Holy crap was I out of shape. My first impression, this is for every type of guy out there and I was a guy trying to get better starting from the back of the PAX. Like most of us, I was there to get fit and stronger. I soon found that this was the thing that I was needing but did not know it…this is almost actually cliché within F3. I have found that companionship and purpose that I know now I wanted. This is truly more that a workout. The responsibility I take on within the PAX as a Site Q is something I look forward to everyday. These HIM are my brothers.

Star Child – F3 Louisville Leader: Because I got a cool nickname.

Abacus – F3 Louisville Site Q: I heard about F3, then watched some videos, and thought that looks like a tough workout and way to test myself. Like most guys I came for the fitness. I quickly figured out that F3 was answering a question I wasn’t ready to admit I had been asking for a long time…”what’s my purpose”. The Fellowship of F3 provides countless examples of other men working hard to do the best they can and get better. Last my Faith ebs and flows but witnessing what gets done because of the Faith of this group has illustrated to me power of strong Faith. In short F3 let’s me be me!

Frosty- F3 Lake Norman/F3 Louisville Launch Leader: I’ve joined many health clubs but they never stuck. I initially started F3 for the fitness but it’s the fellowship and accountability that keeps me coming back. There is nothing like it. Rain or shine I can always count on my F3 brothers being there.

Here’s a quote that’s been attributed to me, CI, perhaps undeservedly: F3 has become something I didn’t know that I needed.

We all look forward to hearing from you Lexingtonians in a couple of months why you do F3. You’ll find it to be much more than a workout.

F3 Lexington Launch – Pre-Pre Blast

On May 12, 2018, F3 comes to Lexington.

What is F3?  Check out our Homepage for the answers to all of your questions.

Why should I come to F3?  Check out this Post from a member of F3Louisville.  It will give you a sense of what F3 is like.

Where will it be?  We’ve chosen Shillito Park as the first spot.  Here’s a LINK to the meet up spot.

How will I know if I’m there?  All F3 workouts are marked with a shovel flag.  It’s just what it says:  a painted (sometimes fancily) shovel with an American Flag on top.  It’s where the workout starts and where it ends.

Should I come alone?  Hell no!  Bring a friend or eight.  Didn’t you read the Homepage?  The Second F stands for Fellowship, and it’s the glue that makes F3 work.

See you in the gloom (SYITG) on May 12.

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